A2 Woordenlijst - Noodzakelijke werkwoorden
Hier leert u enkele noodzakelijke Engelse werkwoorden, zoals "act", "affect" en "analyze", voorbereid voor A2-leerlingen.
to cause a change in a person, thing, etc.
iemand of iets beïnvloeden
to examine or study something in detail in order to explain or understand it
gedetailleerd analyseren
to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.
formeel vragen
to not get involved with someone or something
iemand of iets vermijden
to get more points, votes, etc. than the other side, in a game, race, competition, etc. and win
to gather together things from different places or people
iets verzamelen
to join two or more things together
twee of meer dingen met elkaar verbinden
to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion
iets overwegen
to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done
volledige controle hebben
to put something over something else in a way that hides or protects it
iets bedekken
to be based on or related with different things that are possible
to cause damage to something in a way that it no longer exists, works, etc.
iets vernietigen
to take out the liquid from something in a way that it is not wet anymore
iets drogen
to have a real presence in the world, either physically or conceptually
to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something
iets veronderstellen
to show or make a thought, feeling, etc. known by looks, words, or actions
iets overbrengen
to take part in a violent physical action against someone
met iemand vechten
to give someone a sign of welcoming or a polite word when meeting them
to cause something to come to an end or prevent it from happening