Zaawansowane Słownictwo do GRE - Sukces jest rzeczą pewną, a porażka nie!
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z sukcesem i porażką, takich jak „sceptic”, „halcyon”, „kudos” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu GRE.
to determine something with certainty by careful examination or investigation

ustalić, określić

a certain stage or point in an activity, a process, or a series of events, particularly important

krytyczny punkt, ważny moment

a state of being perplexed or uncertain about how to proceed in a situation that is difficult

dylemat, zakłopotanie

an individual who regularly questions and doubts the validity of ideas, beliefs, or information, particularly those that are commonly accepted


to fail at accomplishing an obligation, particularly a financial one

nie wywiązać się z, zawalić

a period in which someone or something was at its height of success, fame, or strength

okres świetności, szczyt

highly distinguished, admired, or well-known due to exceptional and outstanding characteristics or features

ilustrowany, znany

to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress

utrudniać, przeszkadzać

something that is used as an encouraging and motivating factor

zachęta, stymulator

cannot be endured due to being extremely annoying, uncomfortable, or unpleasant

niewytrzymany, nietolerowany

complex and difficult to understand due to many connected parts

złożony, skomplikowany

the admiration, praise, and recognition someone receives for their achievements, deeds, or social standing

uznanie, pochwała

the state in which a person or thing is of the highest importance, rank, or power

pierwszeństwo, dominacja

to gain something, particularly something beneficial, as the result of one's actions

zbierać, czerpać korzyści

intending to correct or improve a thing that is unsuccessful or wrong

naprawczy, korygujący

failing to give the needed amount of attention and care toward fulfilling one's obligations

zaniedbujący, lekceważący

a delightful feeling gained from other people's misfortunes or troubles


the fact of accidentally experiencing or discovering something that is pleasant or valuable


to stop something, particularly something undesirable, from developing or spreading

powstrzymać, zatrzymać

(of circumstances) unlikely to result in success

niekorzystny, niesprzyjający

capable of living, growing, or developing successfully, often in a particular environment or under specific conditions

żywotny, realny