واژگان پیشرفته برای GRE - موفقیت یک چیز مطمئن است، شکست نه!
در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی در مورد موفقیت و شکست آشنا می شوید، مانند «شکک»، «halcyon»، «kudos» و ... که برای آزمون GRE مورد نیاز است.
املای کلمه
to determine something with certainty by careful examination or investigation

معلوم کردن, معین کردن
a certain stage or point in an activity, a process, or a series of events, particularly important

نقطه بحرانی, مرحله مهم

a state of being perplexed or uncertain about how to proceed in a situation that is difficult

سرگردانی, سرگشتگی
an individual who regularly questions and doubts the validity of ideas, beliefs, or information, particularly those that are commonly accepted

to fail at accomplishing an obligation, particularly a financial one

قصور کردن, عدم پرداخت

a period in which someone or something was at its height of success, fame, or strength

دوران شکوفایی, دوران اوج
highly distinguished, admired, or well-known due to exceptional and outstanding characteristics or features

نامی, برجسته
to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress

مانع (پیشرفت یا حرکت) شدن, به تعویق انداختن، مشکلتراشی کردن، پاگیر شدن
cannot be endured due to being extremely annoying, uncomfortable, or unpleasant

غیر قابل تحمل
the admiration, praise, and recognition someone receives for their achievements, deeds, or social standing

تمجید, تعریف، تحسین
the state in which a person or thing is of the highest importance, rank, or power

اولویت, هیرارشی

to gain something, particularly something beneficial, as the result of one's actions

درآوردن, محصول گرفتن

failing to give the needed amount of attention and care toward fulfilling one's obligations

سهلانگار, فراموشکار، غفلتکار، پشتگوشانداز
a delightful feeling gained from other people's misfortunes or troubles

شادمانه از بدبختی دیگران

the fact of accidentally experiencing or discovering something that is pleasant or valuable

نعمت غیرمترقبه, توفیق اجباری
to stop something, particularly something undesirable, from developing or spreading

جلوگیری کردن, متوقف کردن