Książka Headway - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Angielski na co dzień (część 11)
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z jednostki 11 języka angielskiego na co dzień z podręcznika Headway Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „druhna”, „wstyd”, „radzić sobie” itp.
a small, round band of metal such as gold, silver, etc. that we wear on our finger, and is often decorated with precious stones


an expression of joy or approval offered to someone to acknowledge their achievement, success, or good fortune

gratulacje, serdeczne gratulacje

the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock

czas, okres

feeling ashamed or sad about something that one has or has not done

przykro, żałobny

an uneasy feeling that we get because of our own or someone else's mistake or bad manner

wstyd, hańba

having a strong liking, preference, or affection for something or someon

skory, czuły

the ability of mind to keep and remember past events, people, experiences, etc.


to have a good, friendly, or smooth relationship with a person, group, or animal

dobrze się dogadywać, mieć dobre relacje