
Książka Headway - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 12

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z jednostki 12 z podręcznika Headway Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „zbieg okoliczności”, „logiczny”, „połączyć się” itp.









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Headway - Pre-intermediate
to come

to arrive at or reach a specified place or destination

przyjść, dotrzeć

przyjść, dotrzeć

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

iść, podróżować

iść, podróżować

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to take

to remove something or someone from a specific place

brać, usuwac

brać, usuwac

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to bring

to come to a place with someone or something

przynieść, zabrać ze sobą

przynieść, zabrać ze sobą

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to take away

to order food from a restaurant and consume it elsewhere

wziąć na wynos, zamówić na wynos

wziąć na wynos, zamówić na wynos

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to take back

to return a previously bought item to a seller in order to receive a refund

zwrócić, oddawać

zwrócić, oddawać

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to bring together

to assist individuals in solving disagreements and becoming closer

połączyć, zbliżyć

połączyć, zbliżyć

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to go to sleep

to transition from being awake to being asleep

to come true

to become a reality or be realized, typically in reference to a previously hoped for or desired outcome

to double

to increase something by two times its original amount or value

podwoić, zwielokrotnić

podwoić, zwielokrotnić

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to confuse

to make someone uncertain or unclear about something, causing them unable to understand it

pomylić, zdezorientować

pomylić, zdezorientować

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a situation in which two things happen simultaneously by chance that is considered unusual



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a sequence of related items, events, or actions that follow one after the other in a particular order

rząd, linia

rząd, linia

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to flip

to turn over quickly with a sudden move

przewrócić, obrócić

przewrócić, obrócić

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involving the possibility of loss, danger, harm, or failure

ryzykowny, niebezpieczny

ryzykowny, niebezpieczny

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the absence or insufficiency of something, often implying a deficiency or shortage

brak, niedobór

brak, niedobór

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on average

used to describe the typical or average value or amount based on a set of data or observations

średnio, zwykle

średnio, zwykle

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based on clear reasoning or sound judgment



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a person who participates in games of chance or bets on uncertain outcomes, often with the aim of winning money or other prizes

hazardzista, gracz

hazardzista, gracz

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