Książka Top Notch 1B - Jednostka 7 - Lekcja 4
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Rozdziału 7 – Lekcji 4 z podręcznika Top Notch 1B, takie jak „doświadczenie”, „powrót”, „bagaż” itp.
the act of going to a different place, usually a place that is far
podróż, wyjazd
the skill and knowledge we gain from doing, feeling, or seeing things
doświadczenie, umiejętność
not kind or nice toward other people
nieczuły, antagonistyczny
suitcases, bags, etc. to keep one's clothes and other belongings while traveling
bagaż, walizki
a pocket-sized, folding case that is used for storing paper money, coin money, credit cards, etc.
portfel, torebka
extremely surprising, particularly in a good way
niesamowity, zdumiewający
having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant
ciepły, ugodny
to randomly discover someone or something, particularly in a way that is surprising or unexpected
znaleźć, odkryć
to not know the location of a thing or person and be unable to find it
stracić, zgubić
to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it
kraść, zabierać