Książka Solutions - Podstawowy - Jednostka 7 - 7H
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 7–7H z podręcznika Solutions Elementary, takie jak „potem”, „na końcu”, „chwila” itp.
used to refer to a time in the past, showing how much time has passed before the present moment
temu, wcześniej
in the time following a specific action, moment, or event
później, następnie
used to refer to the conclusion or outcome of a situation or event
w końcu, ostatecznie
at a time following the current or mentioned moment, without specifying exactly when
później, następnie
coming immediately after a person or thing in time, place, or rank
następny, kolejny
having a high speed when doing something, especially moving
szybki, prędki
capable of destroying or causing harm to a person or thing
niebezpieczny, ryzykowny
moving, happening, or being done at a speed that is low
wolny, powolny
a period of time that is made up of seven days in a calendar
a period of time that is made up of twenty-four hours
dzień, 24 godziny
the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school
weekend, koniec tygodnia
each of the twelve named divisions of the year, like January, February, etc.