Książka Insight - Zaawansowany - Wgląd w słownictwo 7
Tutaj znajdziesz słowa z Vocabulary Insight 7 w podręczniku Insight Advanced, takie jak „zginąć”, „na czele”, „sugestywny” itp.
scholarly and highly interested in cultural or artistic matters
wykształcony, kulturalny
attempting to appear intelligent, important, or something that one is not, so as to impress others
pretensjonalny, pretensjonalna
causing feelings of fear, unease, or worry in others through a display of power, authority, or aggression
intymidujący, przerażający
looking dark, dirty, or shabby, often because of not being taken care of or cleaned properly
ponury, zaniedbany
the leading or most prominent position or place in a particular field, activity, or situation
czoło, przodownik
emotional in a way that might be considered overly romantic or sentimental
sentimentalny, przesadnie emocjonalny
(of a sound) loud, harsh, and unpleasant to the ears
hałaśliwy, chropowaty
persuasive in a way that captures attention or convinces effectively
przekonujący, fascynujący
holding someone's attention completely due to being exciting or interesting
fascynujący, porywający
quick and clever with their words, often expressing humor or cleverness in a sharp and amusing way
dowcipny, błyskotliwy
following established customs, practices, or standards that are widely accepted or commonly used
konwencjonalny, tradycyjny
having a magical and charming quality that captures attention and brings joy
czarujący, urzekający
bringing strong memories, emotions, or images to mind
ewokatywny, przywołujący
characteristic of an early stage of human or animal evolution
prymitywny, starożytny
arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious
intrygujący, fascynujący
to have an unsuccessful or unpleasant beginning in a relationship or activity
to accept something as true or valid without questioning or challenging it
przyjąć, połykać
to support someone who will later bring one profit by achieving success
to say or do the exact right thing in a particular situation
appearing cheerful, lively, and full of confidence
wesoły, radosny
fast-paced, frantic, and filled with intense energy or activity
frenetyczny, szaleńczy
providing a calming or comforting sensation that helps to relieve or lessen pain or discomfort
uspokajający, łagodzący
moving, responding, or functioning at a slow pace
ospaly, wolny
a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination
trudna walka, ciężka batalia