Książka Total English - Średnio zaawansowany - Jednostka 6 - Lekcja 3
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Rozdziału 6 – Lekcji 3 z podręcznika Total English Intermediate, takie jak „jałowy”, „niezależny”, „otwarty” itp.
involving a society's customs, traditions, beliefs, and other related matters

kulturalny, kulturalne

related or belonging to a particular area or place that someone lives in or mentions

lokalny, miejscowy

associated with or characteristic of the tropics, regions of the Earth near the equator known for their warm climate and lush vegetation

tropikalny, tropikalna

(of a person) eager to try new ideas, exciting things, and take risks

adventurowy, odważny

behaving in an angry way and having a tendency to be violent

agresywny, agresywna

showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

arogancki, wyniosły

good at learning things, understanding ideas, and thinking clearly

inteligentny, mądry

ready to accept or listen to different views and opinions

otwarty umysł, tolerancyjny

having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle

zamożny, dobrze sytuowany

to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something

spodziewać się, oczekiwać

used to express that a positive outcome or situation occurred by chance

szczęśliwie, na szczęście