Ogólne Szkolenie IELTS (Pasmo 6-7) - Możliwości intelektualne
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z zdolnościami intelektualnymi, które są niezbędne do egzaminu IELTS General Training.
characterized by the capability of thinking or responding quickly and effectively

bystry, zwinny umysłowo

having a lot of information or expertise in a particular subject or field

tobiedny, doświadczony

having a natural talent, intelligence, or ability in a particular area or skill

uzdolniony, utalentowany

having or showing a deep understanding or knowledge of something

przenikliwy, wnikliwy

(of a person) able to quickly and accurately understand or notice things due to keen awareness and insight

spostrzegawczy, wrażliwy

(of a person) creative and capable of coming up with novel solutions, concepts, or products

pomysłowy, kreatywny

(of a person) producing creative and original ideas, equipment, methods, etc.
capable of finding different, clever, and efficient ways to solve problems, often using the resources available to them in innovative ways

pomysłowy, twórczy

(of a person) capable of effectively and skillfully performing a wide range of tasks or activities

wszechstronny, uniwersalny

displaying or possessing extensive knowledge that is acquired by studying and reading

erudyta, uczone

knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects due to extensive reading habits

dobrze wykształcony, erudyta

very good at or quick in noticing small details in someone or something

spostrzegawczy, uważny

having a clever and practical ability to make wise and effective decisions

przenikliwy, bystry

good at paying attention and noticing things quickly and accurately

spostrzegawczy, uważny

developed or primarily guided by the intellect rather than relying on emotions or personal experience

intelektualny, intelektualne

having a lot of knowledge gained through study, experience, or education

uczony, wykształcony