Cinema e Teatro - Técnicas de iluminação e efeitos especiais
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a técnicas de iluminação e efeitos especiais, como "mood lighting", "matte painting" e "CGI".
the lighting setup used to illuminate the background of a scene or shot
![iluminação de fundo, luz de fundo](
iluminação de fundo, luz de fundo
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a type of lighting used in filmmaking, where the light is directed towards a specific subject or object to create a spotlight effect, while the surrounding area is kept in darkness
![iluminação em cameo, luz cameo](
iluminação em cameo, luz cameo
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a supplementary light used in photography, videography, and filmmaking to reduce shadows or fill in areas that are poorly lit
![luz de preenchimento, luz auxiliar](
luz de preenchimento, luz auxiliar
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a lighting technique that involves using a broad, flat light source to illuminate a large area evenly
![iluminação de inundação, iluminação difusa](
iluminação de inundação, iluminação difusa
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a lighting style that uses a lot of light to create a bright, low-contrast image, often used in comedies and musicals
![iluminação de alta chave, luz brilhante](
iluminação de alta chave, luz brilhante
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the main source of light used to illuminate the subject of a shot or scene in film or photography
![iluminação chave, luz principal](
iluminação chave, luz principal
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a visual phenomenon that occurs when light enters the lens and produces scattered reflections within the lens system
![flare de lente, iluminação da lente](
flare de lente, iluminação da lente
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a lighting technique that uses dark shadows and limited lighting to create a dramatic and moody atmosphere
![iluminação de baixa intensidade, iluminação discreta](
iluminação de baixa intensidade, iluminação discreta
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the use of lighting in a scene to create a particular emotional or psychological atmosphere
![iluminação ambiente, iluminação de humor](
iluminação ambiente, iluminação de humor
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a lighting technique where one side of the subject's face is in the light, while the other is in shadow, creating a triangular shape under the eye of the lit side
![iluminação Rembrandt, luz Rembrandt](
iluminação Rembrandt, luz Rembrandt
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the illumination of performers and the stage during a live performance, such as a theater, dance, or music production
![iluminação de palco, luz de palco](
iluminação de palco, luz de palco
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a type of lighting that creates subtle and diffused shadows, making the subject appear softer and more natural
![luz suave, luz difusa](
luz suave, luz difusa
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a type of lighting that creates strong, sharp shadows and highlights, and is often used to create a dramatic effect in a scene
![luz dura, iluminação dura](
luz dura, iluminação dura
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a practical special effect technique used to simulate a character or object swelling up by inflating a concealed bladder with air
![efeito de bexiga de ar, efeito de inchaço de ar](
efeito de bexiga de ar, efeito de inchaço de ar
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a small explosive device that is attached to an actor's body and used to simulate the impact of a bullet in a scene
![squib, pequeno dispositivo explosivo](
squib, pequeno dispositivo explosivo
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a technique used in film and video production to create the illusion of a landscape or setting that would otherwise be too expensive, impractical, or impossible to build or film
![pintura mate, pintura em mate](
pintura mate, pintura em mate
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a filmmaking technique that involves exposing two rolls of film simultaneously
![bipack, exposição dupla](
bipack, exposição dupla
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a visual effect that uses multiple cameras to create a slowed-down or frozen-in-time effect, often used in action scenes in movies and TV shows
![tempo de bala, tempo de projétil](
tempo de bala, tempo de projétil
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a camera technique that involves moving the camera towards or away from a subject while simultaneously adjusting the zoom, resulting in a distorted perspective
![dolly zoom, efeito dolly zoom](
dolly zoom, efeito dolly zoom
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a technique used in filmmaking to create an optical illusion that makes objects appear larger, smaller, closer, or farther away than they actually are
![perspectiva forçada, perspectiva enganosa](
perspectiva forçada, perspectiva enganosa
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a visual effect used in film and television to create the illusion of a background or environment behind the actors using a front projection screen and a projector
![efeito de projeção frontal, efeito de projeção dianteira](
efeito de projeção frontal, efeito de projeção dianteira
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a photography and filmmaking technique where multiple images are exposed onto a single frame of film or image sensor to create a composite image
![exposição múltipla, multi-exposição](
exposição múltipla, multi-exposição
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a filmmaking technique that involves projecting a pre-recorded background image onto a screen behind actors, allowing them to appear as though they are in a different location
![projeção traseira, projeção de fundo](
projeção traseira, projeção de fundo
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a technique in filmmaking where the action is filmed in reverse, and then played back in the normal direction in the final film, creating an illusion of backward movement
![movimento inverso, movimento ao contrário](
movimento inverso, movimento ao contrário
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an optical process that creates visual effects by exposing the camera to a moving subject through a slit
![fotografia de varredura por fenda, fotografia em fenda](
fotografia de varredura por fenda, fotografia em fenda
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a technique used in film and video production to capture and display movement at a slower rate than normal, creating a surreal or dramatic effect
![câmera lenta, movimento lento](
câmera lenta, movimento lento
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a technique in visual effects where a specific color is removed from a shot and replaced with another image or video
![chroma-key, chave de croma](
chroma-key, chave de croma
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a visual effects process that combines live-action and miniature footage through a specially designed mirror system
![introvisão, sistema de introvisão](
introvisão, sistema de introvisão
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a visual effects technique used to track and match the movement of real-life camera shots with computer-generated elements
![match moving, seguimento de movimento](
match moving, seguimento de movimento
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a technique that simulates a miniature scene by selectively blurring parts of a photo while keeping other parts in sharp focus
![fotografia tilt-shift, fotografia de inclinação e deslocamento](
fotografia tilt-shift, fotografia de inclinação e deslocamento
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a technique used in filmmaking to show two or more scenes simultaneously on the screen, often in a side-by-side or top-bottom configuration
![tela dividida, tela partida](
tela dividida, tela partida
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the digital effects added to films or videos to enhance or create visual elements that are impossible or too expensive to achieve in real life
![efeitos visuais, efeitos especiais](
efeitos visuais, efeitos especiais
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an artificial sound created and used in a motion picture, play, video game, etc. to make it more realistic
![efeito sonoro, som artificial](
efeito sonoro, som artificial
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the use of computer software to create special visual effects in a movie, commercial, etc.
![imagens geradas por computador, imagem gerada por computador](
imagens geradas por computador, imagem gerada por computador
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