Acadêmico IELTS (Banda 5 ou Abaixo) - Measurement
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas à medição que são necessárias para o exame IELTS Acadêmico Básico.
the physical extent of an object, usually described by its height, width, length, or depth

tamanho, dimensão

a measure of the height, length, or width of an object in a certain direction


a unit of measurement for temperature, angles, or levels of intensity, such as Celsius degrees or a degree of pain


the number of times something changes or happens during a specific period of time

taxa, índice

the size, amount, or degree of one thing compared with another

escala, dimensionamento

the action of finding the size, number, or degree of something

medição, medida

a principle of design that refers to the relationship of the size, shape, and quantity of different elements in a composition

proporção, relação

the distance from one end to the other end of an object that shows how long it is


the amount of something or the whole number of things in a group

quantidade, volume

a unit for measuring weight that is used in the US and is equal to 907.19 kg

tonelada, ton

a unit for measuring length that is equal to 1000 meters or approximately 0.62 miles
