Acadêmico IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Doença e sintomas
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a doenças e sintomas que são necessárias para o exame acadêmico IELTS.
the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, often with the urge to vomit

náusea, mal-estar

a feeling of extreme tiredness that is usually caused by physical or mental overwork or exercise

fadiga, cansaço

a swollen area on the skin filled with liquid, caused by constant rubbing or by burning

bolha, vesícula

a medical condition in which body waste turns to liquid and comes out frequently


a physical condition in which a part of the body becomes swollen, painful, and red as a result of an infection or injury

inflamação, inchaço

the virus that causes a very dangerous disease called AIDS, transmitted through blood or sexual activity