Animais - Animal Jovem
Aqui você aprenderá os nomes dos animais jovens em inglês, como "kit", "joey" e "calf".
an animal that has recently cracked and come out of its shell
filhote, rebento
a young frog, which has recently developed from a tadpole
girino, sapo jovem
the young offspring of a cow or bull, typically less than one year old
a female red deer, especially one that is over three years old
fêmea de veado, veado fêmea
a horse that is female and young, particularly one that is younger than four
potra, égua
a young oyster or other bivalve that has recently settled and attached itself to a surface in its natural habitat
spat, juvenil
a young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers and is learning to fly
pinto, filhote
a bird that is too young to leave the nest built by its parents, especially one that has not yet learned how to fly
filhote, pinto
a recently born organism, especially a newborn baby or an animal
neonato, recém-nascido
a young dog, especially one that is less than a year old
filhote, cachorrinho
a young form of an insect or an animal that has come out of the egg but has not yet developed into an adult
a young carnivorous mammal, such as a bear, lion, fox, etc.
filhote, bebê
a young pigeon or dove that is still in the nest and not yet able to fly
pichão, pombo jovem
a young pig, especially one that has been weaned from its mother but is not yet mature
porquinho, leitão
a juvenile newt or a terrestrial stage of a newt's life cycle
eft, junção
a soft and legless larva of a dipterous insect, such as a housefly, which could be found in decaying organic matter
maggot, larva
a young falcon that has not yet fledged and is still in the nest
Eyas, Falcão jovem
a young animal, usually a horse or a deer, that is between one and two years old
jovem, potro
a larva of an insect, such as a dragonfly, which does not change as it grows
a young hare or rabbit that is less than a year old and has not yet developed its full growth
jovem lebri, lebréte
a young horse, especially one that is not older than one year
potro, potra
a tiny animal, typically visible only under a microscope
animalculo, microorganismo
a young offspring of a dog, wolf, or certain other carnivorous mammals
filhote, lobinho
a small, juvenile fish that is typically between the length of 1 and 4 inches
peixe juvenil, larva de peixe
a juvenile herring, sprat or other small fish typically less than six inches long
jovem arenque, peixe pequeno
a juvenile salmon or trout that has developed a pattern of dark vertical bars on its sides
parr (salmão juvenil), truta juvenil
a young female cow that has not given birth yet or has only one calf
novilha, vaca jovem