Dieren - Dierlijk jong
Hier leer je de namen van jonge dieren in het Engels, zoals "kit", "joey" en "calf".
an animal that has recently cracked and come out of its shell

uitkomer, kuiken

a young frog, which has recently developed from a tadpole

kikkerlarve, jong kikker

the young offspring of a cow or bull, typically less than one year old


a female red deer, especially one that is over three years old

hind, wijfje van het edelhert

a horse that is female and young, particularly one that is younger than four

veulen, merrie

a young oyster or other bivalve that has recently settled and attached itself to a surface in its natural habitat

spat, jeugdige schelp

a young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers and is learning to fly

kuiken, jeugdig

a bird that is too young to leave the nest built by its parents, especially one that has not yet learned how to fly

kuiken, nestjong

a recently born organism, especially a newborn baby or an animal

neonatus, pasgeborene

a young form of an insect or an animal that has come out of the egg but has not yet developed into an adult


a young pigeon or dove that is still in the nest and not yet able to fly

nestjong, jonge duif

a young pig, especially one that has been weaned from its mother but is not yet mature

big, biggetje

a juvenile newt or a terrestrial stage of a newt's life cycle

eft, juveniele salamander

a soft and legless larva of a dipterous insect, such as a housefly, which could be found in decaying organic matter

maden, larve

a young falcon that has not yet fledged and is still in the nest

Eyas, Jonge valk

a young animal, usually a horse or a deer, that is between one and two years old

jaarling, jonge dier

a larva of an insect, such as a dragonfly, which does not change as it grows


a young hare or rabbit that is less than a year old and has not yet developed its full growth

jonge haas, haas jong

a young horse, especially one that is not older than one year

veulen, jonger paard

a tiny animal, typically visible only under a microscope

dierlijkje, micro-organisme

a young offspring of a dog, wolf, or certain other carnivorous mammals

puppy, herdershond

a small, juvenile fish that is typically between the length of 1 and 4 inches

piepklein visje, vingerling

a juvenile herring, sprat or other small fish typically less than six inches long

jonge haring, kleine vis

a juvenile salmon or trout that has developed a pattern of dark vertical bars on its sides

parr (jeugdig zalm), jonge forel