a young oyster or other bivalve that has recently settled and attached itself to a surface in its natural habitat
スパット, 若いカキ
a young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers and is learning to fly
ひな鳥, 幼鳥
a bird that is too young to leave the nest built by its parents, especially one that has not yet learned how to fly
ヒナ, ひな鳥
a young form of an insect or an animal that has come out of the egg but has not yet developed into an adult
a young pig, especially one that has been weaned from its mother but is not yet mature
子豚, 豚の子
a soft and legless larva of a dipterous insect, such as a housefly, which could be found in decaying organic matter
ウジ, 蛆
a young animal, usually a horse or a deer, that is between one and two years old
1歳の動物, 若い動物
a young hare or rabbit that is less than a year old and has not yet developed its full growth
子ウサギ, 若いウサギ
a small, juvenile fish that is typically between the length of 1 and 4 inches
稚魚, フィンガリング
a juvenile herring, sprat or other small fish typically less than six inches long
若いニシン, 小さな魚
a juvenile salmon or trout that has developed a pattern of dark vertical bars on its sides
パー (若いサーモン), サーモンの稚魚