Lista de Palavras Nível C2 - Reclamação e Críticas
Aqui você aprenderá todas as palavras essenciais para falar sobre Reclamações e Críticas, coletadas especificamente para alunos do nível C2.
to argue and express one's disagreement or objection to something

protestar, opor-se

to complain or whine persistently and often about trivial matters

queixar-se, murmurar

to strongly and harshly criticize someone or something

castigar, criticar severamente

to find fault or criticize small, insignificant details

voar em cima do problema, criticar minuciosamente

to strongly and angrily criticize or complain about something

criticar severamente, reclamar

to severely criticize, often with the intention of correcting someone's behavior or actions

repreender, castigar

to criticize someone for doing or saying something that one believes to be wrong

repreender, censurar

to express dissatisfaction in a way that is annoying or repetitive

queixar-se, murmurar

to express one's dissatisfaction about something, often informally

reclamar, queixar-se