Cartea Top Notch Fundamentals A - Unitatea 5 - Lecția 3
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 5 - Lecția 3 din Noțiuni fundamentale de top Un manual de curs, cum ar fi „șaptesprezece”, „ziua de naștere”, „lună”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
coming or happening right after the thirteenth person or thing
coming or happening right after the fourteenth person or thing
coming or happening right after the sixteenth person or thing
al șaptesprezecelea
coming or happening right after the seventeenth person or thing
coming or happening right after the eighteenth person or thing
coming or happening right after the nineteenth person or thing
coming or happening right after the twenty-first person or thing
a number that indicates the position of something in a sequence, such as third, second, etc.
coming or happening right after the twenty-ninth person or thing
coming or happening right after the thirty-ninth person or thing
coming or happening right after the forty-ninth person or thing
each of the twelve named divisions of the year, like January, February, etc.
a period of time that is made up of twelve months, particularly one that starts on January first and ends on December thirty-first
the eighth month of the year, after July and before September
the 12th and last month of the year, after November and before January