Cartea Solutions - Avansat - Unitatea 6 - 6F
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 6 - 6F din manualul de curs Solutions Advanced, cum ar fi „foreshadow”, „dire”, „converge”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
a feeling of nervousness or worry about a future event or uncertain outcome

anxietate, neliniște

the typical way a person thinks or feels about something or someone, often affecting their behavior and decisions


not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes

dezamăgit, dezamăgită

a representation or manifestation of a haunting experience in one's mind

fantomă, duh

(of different elements) to come together in order to shape a single unit or a group

combina, uni

a symbol or letters used in math, music, or other subjects to show an instruction, idea, etc.

semn, simbol

to repeat opinions or statements of another person, particularly to show support or agreement

a repeta, a face ecou

to develop or form into a recognizable or distinct form or structure

a lua formă, a se contura

to indicate in advance that something, particularly something bad, will take place

a prezice, a anticipa

the process of thoroughly mixing or combining different components

amestec, combinare

arcane or difficult to comprehend due to being vague or hidden

obscur, dificil de înțeles

(of roads, paths, lines, etc.) to lead toward a point that connects them

converge, se uni

so small or insignificant that can be completely disregarded

neglijabil, nesemnificativ

to be understood and have a strong impact or relevance

a răsuna, a avea un impact puternic

to bring something or someone under control, often using authority or force

supune, îmblânzi

a mental representation or vision of something frightening or haunting, often associated with fear, anxiety, or an unsettling memory

spectru, fantomă

to become clear, definite, or understandable, often after a period of confusion or ambiguity

cristaliza, a deveni clar