Adjective ale Atributelor Sociale Umane - Adjective de statut educațional și profesional
Aceste adjective oferă informații despre nivelul de expertiză, realizările sau calificările unei persoane în domeniul său de lucru sau academic.
Fișe de studiu
a student who is trying to complete their first degree in college or university
student la licență, studenți pentru o diplomă de licență
(of a person) having completed studies beyond a bachelor's degree, such as a master's or doctoral degree
student masterand, studentă masterandă
lower in rank or position compared to someone else wthin a work environment
junior, inferior
having a higher status or rank than someone else within an organization, profession, or hierarchy
senior, superior
holding the highest position or authority within an organization or system
de rang înalt, de top
relating to jobs or workers who engage in manual labor or skilled trades
lucrător manual, guler albastru
relating to jobs or workers who perform professional, managerial, or administrative tasks, typically in office settings
de birou, cu guler alb
higher in status or rank in comparison with someone or something else
superior, mai înalt
having extensive experience in a particular field or activity, typically as a result of long service or practice
veteran, experimentat