Академический IELTS (Уровень 8 и Выше) - Формы
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные с фигурами, которые необходимы для сдачи академического экзамена IELTS.
having six equal sides and six angles
шестигранный, гексагональный
having the shape of a trapezoid, a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
трапециевидный, трапециевидная
having curved lines, forms, or structures
криволинейный, изогнутый
having a shape with multiple straight edges and angles
многоугольный, полигональный
resembling an ellipse or an oval-shaped object
эллипсоидный, эллиптический
resembling a curve that is U-shaped or bowl-shaped
having a series of sharp, pointed projections along the edge
resembling a slanted or tilted rectangle
ромбовидный, в форме ромба
having the shape or characteristics of an octagon, which is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles
восьмиугольный, форма восьмиугольника
characterized by or resembling a tetrahedron, which has four triangular faces
having the shape of a pentagon, which is characterized by five straight sides and five angles
пентагональный, в форме пятиугольника
having the form or characteristics of a cone, which is a three-dimensional geometric shape with a circular base tapering to a point at the apex
конусообразный, конусный
having a spiral or wound shape, often forming a series of loops or turns
скрученный, спиральный
having the shape or characteristics of a tube
трубчатый, имеющий форму трубы
resembling a doughnut or a ring-shaped object
тороидальный, тороид
resembling a structure with a polygonal base and triangular sides, often tapering to a point at the apex
пирамида́льный, пирами́дальный