Гуманитарные Науки ACT - Вызовы и борьба
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные с проблемами и трудностями, такие как «громоздкий», «несчастный случай», «тяжелый труд» и т. д., которые помогут вам улучшить свои навыки ACT.
to resist or endure the force, pressure, or challenges imposed upon oneself

to allow something one dislikes, especially certain behavior or conditions, without interference or complaint

to put a great deal of effort to overcome difficulties or achieve a goal

пытаться, отбиваться
to engage in a determined effort to confront and resolve a problem or obstacle

бороться, схватиться с

to turn to or use something as a solution or means of help, especially as a last option

прибегать к, вдаваться в

to continue a course of action, especially in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success

упорно продолжать
to work extremely hard and persistently, often with great effort and dedication

трудиться, изо дня в день работать

to continue a course of action with determination, even when faced with challenges or discouragement

to be equal to or compete closely with someone or something in terms of skill, ability, or performance

to allow the presence or actions of someone or something disliked without interference or complaint

to overcome completely with a great, often excessive, amount of force, emotion, or challenges

переполнять, сокрушать

to pull back or move away from a position or situation, often in response to a threat or unfavorable conditions

a defensive barrier erected during wartime to obstruct enemy movement and provide protection for defending forces

баррикада, защитное сооружение

a situation where one must navigate carefully to avoid problems or failure

канат, деликатная ситуация

an event causing great and often sudden damage, distress, or destruction

a disadvantage or the feature of a situation that makes it unacceptable

a situation that is difficult because a choice must be made between two or more options that are equally important

дилемма, затруднительное положение
an event or situation that interrupts or disrupts the normal state or functioning of something

a problem or question that is confusing and needs a lot of skill or effort to solve or answer

a state of extreme disturbance that causes a lot of worry and uncertainty

an obstacle that separates people or hinders any progress or communication

an area of vulnerability in a system, organization, or relationship that could lead to significant problems or breakdowns

линия разлома, зона уязвимости

a challenging situation or pressure that causes difficulty or tension

напряжение, стресс

an impressive or remarkable achievement or accomplishment, often requiring great skill or strength

continuing to do something despite facing criticism or difficulties

challenging to manage or move due to size, weight, or awkward shape
