
ACT 人文科学 - 挑戦と闘い

ここでは、ACT を成功させるのに役立つ、「面倒」、「災難」、「苦労」など、課題や苦労に関連する英単語を学びます。









ACT Vocabulary for Humanities
to withstand

to resist or endure the force, pressure, or challenges imposed upon oneself

耐える, 抵抗する

耐える, 抵抗する

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to tolerate

to allow something one dislikes, especially certain behavior or conditions, without interference or complaint

許容する, 我慢する

許容する, 我慢する

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to struggle

to put a great deal of effort to overcome difficulties or achieve a goal

苦労する, 奮闘する

苦労する, 奮闘する

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to tackle

to try to deal with a difficult problem or situation in a determined manner

取り組む, 対処する

取り組む, 対処する

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to encounter

to be faced with an unexpected difficulty during a process

遭遇する, 直面する

遭遇する, 直面する

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to confront

to face or deal with a problem or difficult situation directly

直面する, 対峙する

直面する, 対峙する

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to strive

to try as hard as possible to achieve a goal

努力する, 奮闘する

努力する, 奮闘する

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to grapple

to engage in a determined effort to confront and resolve a problem or obstacle

取り組む, 格闘する

取り組む, 格闘する

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to resort

to turn to or use something as a solution or means of help, especially as a last option

頼る, 訴える

頼る, 訴える

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to persevere

to continue a course of action, especially in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success

辛抱する, 諦めずに続ける

辛抱する, 諦めずに続ける

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to endeavor

to make an effort to achieve a goal or complete a task

努力する, 試みる

努力する, 試みる

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to toil

to work extremely hard and persistently, often with great effort and dedication

骨を折る, 一生懸命働く

骨を折る, 一生懸命働く

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to persist

to continue a course of action with determination, even when faced with challenges or discouragement

貫き通す, 持続する

貫き通す, 持続する

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to rival

to be equal to or compete closely with someone or something in terms of skill, ability, or performance



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to endure

to allow the presence or actions of someone or something disliked without interference or complaint

耐える, 我慢する

耐える, 我慢する

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to concede

to admit defeat in a competition, election, etc.

敗北を認める, 譲歩する

敗北を認める, 譲歩する

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to overwhelm

to overcome completely with a great, often excessive, amount of force, emotion, or challenges

圧倒する, 打ちまかす

圧倒する, 打ちまかす

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to withdraw

to pull back or move away from a position or situation, often in response to a threat or unfavorable conditions

撤退する, 引き下がる

撤退する, 引き下がる

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to succumb

to surrender to a superior force or influence

屈服する, 降伏する

屈服する, 降伏する

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a situation or problem that prevents one from succeeding

障害, 妨げ

障害, 妨げ

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a defensive barrier erected during wartime to obstruct enemy movement and provide protection for defending forces

バリケード, 障壁

バリケード, 障壁

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anything that blocks or slows progress

障害,  impediment

障害, impediment

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a responsibility or task that causes hardship, stress, etc.

負担, 荷

負担, 荷

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a situation where one must navigate carefully to avoid problems or failure

綱渡り, 微妙な状況

綱渡り, 微妙な状況

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a situation marked by hardship or misfortune

逆境, 試練

逆境, 試練

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an event causing great and often sudden damage, distress, or destruction

災害, 不幸

災害, 不幸

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a disadvantage or the feature of a situation that makes it unacceptable

欠点, デメリット

欠点, デメリット

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a minor accident that has no serious consequences

小さな事故, 不具合

小さな事故, 不具合

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a situation that is difficult because a choice must be made between two or more options that are equally important



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an event or situation that interrupts or disrupts the normal state or functioning of something

妨害, 乱れ

妨害, 乱れ

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a problem or question that is confusing and needs a lot of skill or effort to solve or answer

難題, ジレンマ

難題, ジレンマ

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a state of extreme disturbance that causes a lot of worry and uncertainty

混乱, 動乱

混乱, 動乱

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an obstacle that separates people or hinders any progress or communication

障壁, 障害

障壁, 障害

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fault line

an area of vulnerability in a system, organization, or relationship that could lead to significant problems or breakdowns

断層線, 脆弱性の領域

断層線, 脆弱性の領域

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a challenging situation or pressure that causes difficulty or tension

緊張, ストレス

緊張, ストレス

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hard or painful work

困難な作業, 苦労

困難な作業, 苦労

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an impressive or remarkable achievement or accomplishment, often requiring great skill or strength

偉業, 成果

偉業, 成果

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able to recover quickly from difficult situations

弾力性のある, 耐久性のある

弾力性のある, 耐久性のある

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continuing to do something despite facing criticism or difficulties

執拗な, 粘り強い

執拗な, 粘り強い

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challenging to manage or move due to size, weight, or awkward shape

重くて扱いにくい, 厄介

重くて扱いにくい, 厄介

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causing extreme discomfort or distress that is difficult to endure

耐え難い, 耐えられない

耐え難い, 耐えられない

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