to allow oneself to do or have something that one enjoys, particularly something that might be bad for one
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showing a willingness to allow excessive leniency or generosity, often in the context of fulfilling desires or preferences
an organism such as fungus that does not produce flowers or seeds and procreates by the means of spores
the scientific and philosophical study of how and why the universe came to be
a general representation of the universe and planet Earth
the scientific study of how the universe is created, its development, and how it is going to end
the study of language, literature, and historical texts to understand their origins, development, and cultural context, encompassing areas such as linguistics, textual criticism, and literary analysis
the universe, particularly when it is thought of as a systematic whole
a person who specializes in the study of words, literature, and language in order to understand their origin and development
a particular set of beliefs, values, or principles developed in search of the truth about life and the universe
to completely enjoy and appreciate something, such as an experience or feeling
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a member of a community that depending on the season moves from place to place with their livestock