a person who forces another person to have sexual intercourse with them
våldtäktsman, sexuellt övergrepp
the action of wandering around in search of a place to attack and steal from
plundring, maraudering
a person or an animal that wanders around in search of places to destroy, people to kill and steal from
plundrare, rånare
to not support and be against something or someone
misstänka, förkasta
to diminish in value, especially over time
depreciera, minska i värde
a decline in something's price or value
avskrivning, värdeminskning
to distribute or assign resources, funds, or tasks for a particular purpose or use
allokera, fördela
to give or distribute a particular thing such as time, money, etc.
tilldela, distribuera
to combine two or more metals to make a more suitable one
legering, sammanföra
(of words and phrases) used only in informal conversations
umgängesspråk, informell
differing in certain aspects or characteristics from the standard or common form
variant, skillnad
a device that helps musicians regulate their desired speed and rhythm
a large, important city that serves as a significant economic, political, or cultural center for a region or country
metropol, storstad
describing language or style that is elaborate and ornate, often with excessive use of adjectives and vivid details
florid, utsmyckad
the quality of having an extreme amount of details and decorations
floralitet, dekoration