Rörelseverb - Verb för rörelse med hjälp av fordon
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska verb som hänvisar till rörelse med fordon som "pedal", "ride" och "styra".
to get on a means of transportation such as a train, bus, aircraft, ship, etc.

gå ombord, stiga på

to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

köra, styra

to control the direction of a moving object, such as a car, ship, etc.

styra, kontrollera

to moor a ship or boat to the bottom of the sea to stop it from moving away

ankra, fästa

to propel or navigate a flat-bottomed boat, known as a punt

paddla en punt, navigera en punt

to travel or move in a small, narrow boat typically using paddles for moving

canoe med, paddla kanot

to move a watercraft through the water using a handheld implement with a broad blade

paddla, roa