Sammansatta adverb - Förenkling eller generalisering
Dyk ner i engelska sammansatta adverb för förenkling eller generalisering, som "i ett nötskal" och "i stort sett".
used to provide a single-word summary or description of something
med ett ord
used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation by summarizing the main points
used to get to the most important parts of something
i grund och botten
used to provide an alternative or clearer way of expressing the same idea
med andra ord
in a way that efficiently captures essential details without unnecessary elaboration
kort sagt
used to provide a brief and straightforward explanation of the main points or ideas
used to introduce a simplified version of a statement
För att göra det enkelt
used to indicate that something is mostly the case or generally true
i stort sett
used to indicate that something is generally true or applies in the majority of cases
för det mesta