Sammansatta Adverb - Att ge förklaring
Behärska engelska sammansatta adverb för att ge förklaringar, som "till det syftet" och "i synnerhet".
used to introduce additional information or a comment that is related to the main topic but not essential to it

som en sidnotis, som en tilläggskommentar

used to indicate that, according to various sources or opinions, something is generally accepted as true or accurate

enligt alla konton, enligt allmänt uppfattning

used to introduce a new topic or information that is related to the ongoing conversation

förresten, då förresten

used to introduce a thought or realization that occurred to one during a conversation

Nu när jag tänker på det, Tänka på det

used to specify or emphasize a particular aspect or detail within a broader context

i synnerhet, särskilt

used to refer to a specific aspect of the topic being discussed

i det avseendet, i detta sammanhang

used to smoothly transition from one topic to another, often when the second topic is related to or follows naturally from the first

vad gäller det, i det avseendet

used to indicate that something is being done or stated with a specific purpose or goal in mind

i det syftet, för det ändamålet