
Zenginlik ve Başarı - Finansal Kötü Yönetim

"Borç faizi yağmur yağmadan artar" ve "borçtan kurtulur, tehlikeden kurtulur" gibi finansal kötü yönetimi tasvir eden İngiliz atasözlerini keşfedin.


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Wealth & Success
a fool and his money are soon parted

used to imply that foolish, unwise, or careless people tend to lose their money quickly and easily, often due to poor financial decisions or scams

akılsıza para dayanmaz

akılsıza para dayanmaz

he that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing

used to warn that borrowing money may lead to negative consequences, such as financial difficulties and regret, and so people should be cautious and responsible in their financial dealings

borç insanı köle eder

borç insanı köle eder

interest on debt grows without rain

used to suggest that the longer a debt is left unpaid, the more it will grow and become more difficult to manage

borç parayla alınır, aşla ödenir

borç parayla alınır, aşla ödenir

great spenders are bad lenders

used to discourage people from lending money to those who are not good at managing their own money, as they are likely to be bad at managing other people's money as well

büyük harcayıcılar, kötü borç verenlerdir

büyük harcayıcılar, kötü borç verenlerdir

debt is the worst (kind of) poverty

used to imply that being in debt can create financial instability, making it hard to achieve goals and escape poverty

borç en kötü yoksulluktur

borç en kötü yoksulluktur

a fat kitchen makes a lean will

used to emphasize the importance of balance and self-discipline, suggesting that having an abundance of resources can lead to excess and lack of control

zenginlik insanı tembelleştirir

zenginlik insanı tembelleştirir

beware of little expenses (, a small leak will sink a great ship)

used to advise that small or seemingly insignificant expenses can add up over time and have a significant impact on one's finances

küçük harcamalara dikkat et, küçük bir sızıntı kocaman bir gemiyi batırır

küçük harcamalara dikkat et, küçük bir sızıntı kocaman bir gemiyi batırır

a man without money is a bow without an arrow

used to imply that money is an essential tool or resource that is necessary for achieving goals and desires, and without it, a person is unable to take action or make progress towards their objectives

parasız adam yaysız oktur

parasız adam yaysız oktur

out of debt, out of danger

used to imply that being out of debt is a key factor in staying safe and secure financially

borçtan kurtulmak tehlikeden kurtulmak demek

borçtan kurtulmak tehlikeden kurtulmak demek

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