
Günlük Hayat - Açlık ve İştah

"Aç karnının kulağı yoktur" ve "Açlığın aşçılıkta kusuru yoktur" gibi İngilizce atasözlerinin İngilizcede açlık ve iştahı nasıl tasvir ettiğini keşfedin.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Daily Life
hunger is the best sauce

used to imply that hunger can enhance the flavor of food, making it more enjoyable and satisfying

açlık adama her şeyi yedirir

açlık adama her şeyi yedirir

hunger drives the wolf out of the wood

used to imply that necessity can be a powerful motivator, driving individuals to take action they might not otherwise consider

açlık insanı her türlü kötülüğe iter

açlık insanı her türlü kötülüğe iter

a hungry belly has no ears

used to imply that when a person is hungry or in need, they are less likely to listen to reason or advice

aç ayı oynamaz

aç ayı oynamaz

a growing youth has a wolf in his belly

used to imply that young people have a strong appetite and need plenty of food and nutrition to support their physical and mental growth and development

gençler çabuk acıkır

gençler çabuk acıkır

a hungry man is an angry man

used to imply that hunger can affect a person's mood or behavior and that being hungry for an extended period can lead to frustration and anger

açlık insanda sinir yapar

açlık insanda sinir yapar

an army marches on its stomach

used to highlight the essential role of sufficient food and nourishment in enabling soldiers or workers to perform effectively and achieve success

aç ordu savaşmaz

aç ordu savaşmaz

hunger finds no fault with cookery

used to imply that when a person is very hungry, they will eat whatever food is available, regardless of its quality or taste

aç karnına her şey lezzetlidir

aç karnına her şey lezzetlidir

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