Edatlar - Temel Edatlar
Bu edatlar bilgi veya yargıların temelini belirtir.
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used to indicate a central point or reference that serves as a basis for activities or discussions
etrafında, çevresinde
used as a preposition to indicate a basis or condition on which something is done or decided
üzere, -e göre
used to show that something is based on, inspired by, or follows the model of another entity
üzerinde, dayalı
in allusion to or in reference to something mentioned or known earlier
sonra, göre
used to indicate that something is provided or accepted as a basis for a particular situation or argument
göz önüne alındığında, verilen
used to introduce a particular factor or circumstance that is taken into account when making a judgment, decision, or assessment
göz önüne alındığında, dikkate alındığında
in accordance with a particular style, tradition, or expectation
uyum içinde
in accordance with a specific rule, guideline, or standard
uygun olarak, uyum içinde
used to indicate the grounds, reasons, or foundation upon which a decision, judgment, or action is made
dayanarak, esas alınarak
referring to or considering a specific aspect or factor
bakımından, açısından