ACT Matematik ve Değerlendirme - Importance
Burada, ACT'lerinizde başarılı olmanıza yardımcı olacak "periferik", "marquee", "imparatively" vb. gibi önemle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
well-known or easily recognizable due to importance, influence, or distinct features

öne çıkan
possessing the quality of being the most important or basic part of something

son derece önmeli
absolutely necessary or crucial, to the point that being replaced or substituted is not possible

vazgeçilmez, olmazsa olmaz
deserving of attention due to importance, excellence, or notable qualities

dikkate değer, önemli

extremely important or essential, often having a significant impact on the outcome of a situation

having a higher or exaggerated reputation or value than something truly deserves

abartılmış, üstün değerde

extremely valuable and essential, to the point that the true worth of something is immeasurable

paha biçilmez
highly prominent or regarded as the main attraction in a particular field or context

gözde, seçkin

a situation of crucial importance that demands immediate and swift action

aciliyet, önem

the established ranking or priority given to something based on its perceived significance or urgency

öncelik, üstünlük

a challenging situation caused by a shortage, such as time, money, or resources, that requires immediate attention or action

zor durum
the most important part of something on which its existence, success, or truth depends

the leading or most prominent position or place in a particular field, activity, or situation

en önemli konum
to describe something in a way that makes it seem more important or extreme than it really is

abartmak, exage etmektedir

to give a higher level of importance or urgency to a particular task, goal, or objective compared to others

öncelik vermek
to regard something or someone as smaller or less important than they really are

hafife almak
to make something seem less important or significant than it truly is

küçümsemek, önemsizleştirmek

to seem or become less significant in comparison to something else

solmak, önemsizleşmek

to place too much importance or attention on something, exaggerating its significance beyond what is necessary or appropriate

abartmak, aşırı vurgu yapmak