Кольори та форми - Відтінки пурпурового
Прочитайте цей урок, щоб дізнатися назви різних відтінків пурпурового кольору англійською мовою, наприклад «mulberry», «fuchsia» та «red-violet».
having a bold and vibrant shade of pink-purple, often with a reddish or magenta undertone
having a rich and intense shade of magenta, known for its vibrant and saturated color
квінакридоновий магента насичений
having a soft and muted shade of magenta, characterized by a subtle and gentle tone with a touch of haze or mist-like quality
ніжний відтінок магенти
displaying a deep and rich shade of purple with a reddish or purplish hue
having a vibrant and energetic shade of purple, characterized by its bold and lively nature
яскравий пурпурний
having a vibrant and electrifying shade of pink, often with a bold and intense tone
шокуюче рожевий
having a muted and subdued shade of pink, reminiscent of the color of polished steel with a hint of pinkish hue
сталевий рожевий
displaying a vivid and saturated shade of magenta, resembling the color of the magenta hues often seen in a sunset or sunrise sky
небесний маджента
having a rich, vibrant, and intense shade of blue with a hint of purple or violet, often associated with futuristic or cosmic themes
космічний кобальт
having a deep, dark, and vivid shade of purple with a digital or futuristic aesthetic
displaying a rich and lustrous shade of purple with a shiny or polished appearance
глянцевий виноградний
having a vibrant and energetic shade of magenta or fuchsia, evoking the bold and lively colors
яскравий відтінок магенти
of a soft and muted purple shade with a calming and serene quality
поїзд лавандовий
having a soft and serene shade of purple, inspired by the majestic beauty of mountains
пурпурна гірська велич
having a rich and deep shade of violet, reminiscent of the regal and elegant hues often associated with Russian art, culture, and history
русський фіолетовий
displaying a delicate and romantic shade of pink, often with a soft and intricate texture reminiscent of lace fabric
рожевий мереживо
having a muted shade of purple-gray color, reminiscent of the color of the heliotrope flower
геліотропний сірий
having a vibrant blend of intense magenta and soft pink
мажентовий рожевий
having a rich and vibrant shade of violet color, often associated with traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics
китайський фіолетовий
having a playful and teasing shade of pink, often with a light and airy tone
ігристий відтінок
of a vivid and bold color that combines deep red with a purplish-pink hue, creating a rich and dynamic shade
displaying a soft and muted shade of violet color, often associated with traditional Japanese culture and aesthetics
японський фіолетовий
having a deep and rich shade of maroon color, often associated with mystery, elegance, and luxury
містичний марун
having a vibrant and intense shade of pink with a purplish hue, resembling the color of the fuchsia flower