रंग और आकार - मजेंटा के रंग
अंग्रेजी में मैजेंटा के विभिन्न रंगों के नाम, जैसे "शहतूत", "फूशिया", और "रेड-वायलेट" जानने के लिए इस पाठ को पढ़ें।
समीक्षा करें
having a bold and vibrant shade of pink-purple, often with a reddish or magenta undertone
फंडांगो, गहरा गुलाबी
having a rich and intense shade of magenta, known for its vibrant and saturated color
क्विनाक्रिडोन मैजेंटा के गहरे रंग में, क्विनाक्रिडोन मैजेंटा के जीवंत और गहरे रंग की
having a soft and muted shade of magenta, characterized by a subtle and gentle tone with a touch of haze or mist-like quality
नरम मैजेंटा रंग, धुंधला मैजेंटा
displaying a deep and rich shade of purple with a reddish or purplish hue
मुलबेरी, गहरा बैंगनी
having a vibrant and energetic shade of purple, characterized by its bold and lively nature
चमकदार बैंगनी, ऊर्जावान बैंगनी
having a vibrant and electrifying shade of pink, often with a bold and intense tone
शॉकिंग पिंक, च shocking गुलाबी
having a muted and subdued shade of pink, reminiscent of the color of polished steel with a hint of pinkish hue
स्टील गुलाबी, धातु गुलाबी
displaying a vivid and saturated shade of magenta, resembling the color of the magenta hues often seen in a sunset or sunrise sky
आसमान का मैजेंटा, मैजेंटा आसमान
having a rich, vibrant, and intense shade of blue with a hint of purple or violet, often associated with futuristic or cosmic themes
कॉस्मिक कोबाल्ट
having a deep, dark, and vivid shade of purple with a digital or futuristic aesthetic
साइबर अंगूर, भविष्यवादी बैंगनी
displaying a rich and lustrous shade of purple with a shiny or polished appearance
चमकदार अंगूर, चमकीला अंगूर
having a vibrant and energetic shade of magenta or fuchsia, evoking the bold and lively colors
उर्जावान मैजेंटा रंग, धमाकेदार फ्यूशिया रंग
characterized by a warm and rich shade of pinkish-purple or mauve
कोबी, गुलाबी-बंगी रंग के गर्म और समृद्ध छ Shade की विशेषता।
of a soft and muted purple shade with a calming and serene quality
निस्तेज लैवेंडर, शांत लैवेंडर
having a soft and serene shade of purple, inspired by the majestic beauty of mountains
बैंगनी पर्वतीय भव्यता
having a rich and deep shade of violet, reminiscent of the regal and elegant hues often associated with Russian art, culture, and history
रूसी नीला, गहरा रूसी नीला
displaying a delicate and romantic shade of pink, often with a soft and intricate texture reminiscent of lace fabric
गुलाबी लेस, नाज़ुक गुलाबी रंग
having a muted shade of purple-gray color, reminiscent of the color of the heliotrope flower
हेलियोट्रॉप ग्रे
having a vibrant blend of intense magenta and soft pink
मैजेंटा गुलाबी, चमकीला गुलाबी
having a rich and vibrant shade of violet color, often associated with traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics
चीनी बैंगनी, चीनी जूही रहे
having a playful and teasing shade of pink, often with a light and airy tone
खेल-कूद का रंग, हल्का और हवादार रंग
of a vivid and bold color that combines deep red with a purplish-pink hue, creating a rich and dynamic shade
क्रिमसन-मैजेंटा, गहरा लाल-मैजेंटा
displaying a soft and muted shade of violet color, often associated with traditional Japanese culture and aesthetics
जापानी वायलेट, मुलायम जापानी वायलेट
having a deep and rich shade of maroon color, often associated with mystery, elegance, and luxury
रहस्यपूर्ण मारून, गहरे मारून
having a vibrant and intense shade of pink with a purplish hue, resembling the color of the fuchsia flower
फुक्सिया, मैजेंटा