(of a person) traveling from place to place, often for work or a specific purpose
ітінерний, мандрівний
a plan of the route and the places that one will visit on a journey
маршрут, план подорожі
o travel from one location to another, often on a regular circuit, for a specific purpose or duty
ітінерувати, переміщуватися
having plenty of space for movement and storage
просторий, комфортний
(economics) an unprocessed material that can be traded in different exchanges or marketplaces
товар, сировина
to move in a rhythmic or repetitive pattern that rises and falls
коливатися, мятися
to hinder the process or make something harder to do or achieve
перешкоджати, утруднювати
a burden or obstacle that impedes progress or makes a task more challenging
тягар, перешкода
having a distinct and often pleasant natural scent
ароматний, пахучий
possessing a distinct or recognizable scent, often unpleasant
пахучий, неприємно пахнучий
the action or process where a wave, such as light or sound, bounces back from a surface instead of passing through
відображення, рефлексія
a photographic accessory used to redirect or bounce light onto a subject, typically consisting of a flat or curved surface made of reflective material
рефлектор, дзеркало для освітлення
to release freely, often in a natural or uncontrolled manner
виливати, виливати з ентузіазмом
showing strong or excessive emotion or enthusiasm
ефузивний, екзуберантний
the process of helping something grow, develop, or become more successful
сприяння, підтримка