Книга Interchange - Початковий - Блок 9 - Частина 2
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 9 - Частина 2 у підручнику Interchange для початківців, як-от «кондитерські вироби», «гігант», «кидок» тощо.
a baked good made from dough or batter, often sweetened or filled with ingredients like fruit, nuts, or chocolate

a liquid beverage made from the extraction of juice from oranges, often consumed as a refreshing drink

апельсиновий сік

a vegetable, usually a small cucumber, that is preserved in salt water or vinegar

маринований огірок
a type of tea made from the leaves and buds of the tea plant, and it has a green color and a slightly bitter taste

зелений чай, чай зеленого кольору

a period of time that is celebrated due to cultural or religious reasons

фестиваль, свято

an area with human population that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or emphasizes the truth or reality of a situation

насправді, фактично

a type of vegetable having a strong smell and spicy flavor that is used in cooking

to do something special such as dancing or drinking that shows one is happy for an event

a type of snack made from a type of corn kernel that expands and puffs up when heated

a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries

a meal with many dishes from which people serve themselves at a table and then eat elsewhere

шведський стіл, буфет

a group of people or things that have similar characteristics or share particular qualities

a sweet large and tropical fruit that has brown skin, pointy leaves, and yellow flesh which is very juicy

the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money

бізнес, підприємство