Загальна Підготовка IELTS (Рівень 6-7) - Смаки і запахи
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані зі смаками та запахами, які необхідні для іспиту General Training IELTS.
having a sharp, refreshing taste with a slight sourness or acidity
гострий, кислий
having a strong, sharp smell or taste that can be overpowering and somewhat unpleasant
гострий, різкий
(of food) having a sharp, strong, and refreshing taste
гострий, освіжаючий
having a sweet, fresh, or juicy taste or smell associated with various types of fruits
фруктовий, солодкий
having a sweet taste, often resembling or containing sugar
цукровий, солодкий
having the sweet and rich taste or qualities of honey
медовий, солодкий
(of food) having a rich, sweet, and appealing flavor
смачний, апетитний
having a taste or aroma that is sour, tart, or like vinegar
оцтовий, кислий
having an unpleasant and sharp smell or taste, especially causing a burning sensation
різкий, пекучий
having a taste or smell that is reminiscent of citrus fruits, like lemons, oranges, or limes
цитрусовий, можливо
having a rich, earthy, and slightly sweet taste similar to almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts
горіховий, з горіховим смаком
(of food) flavored with spices, herbs, or other ingredients to improve its taste and smell
приправлений, поперчений
(of drinks) having a rich and intense flavor
насичений, з густим смаком
having characteristics of soil or the earth, often associated with flavors such as mushrooms, root vegetables, or certain types of wine
земляний, сільський
infused or treated with a fragrance, typically through the application of a scented substance like perfume, to impart a pleasant smell
пахучий, ароматизований
possessing a distinct or recognizable scent, often unpleasant
пахучий, неприємно пахнучий
causing or capable of provoking a sensation of disgust or nausea
нудотний, огидний
having a pleasing smell or fragrance
солодкоароматний, запашний