Allgemeines Training IELTS (Band 6-7) - Geschmäcker und Gerüche
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Geschmack und Geruch, die für die General Training IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
having a strong, sharp smell or taste that can be overpowering and somewhat unpleasant

stechend, scharf

having a sweet, fresh, or juicy taste or smell associated with various types of fruits

fruchtig, fruchtvoll

having an unpleasant and sharp smell or taste, especially causing a burning sensation

bitter, scharf

having a taste or smell that is reminiscent of citrus fruits, like lemons, oranges, or limes

zitrusartig, zitrusfruchtig

having a taste or aroma reminiscent of nuts, often rich, earthy, and slightly sweet

nussig, nussgeschmack

(of food) flavored with spices, herbs, or other ingredients to improve its taste and smell

gewürzt, aromatisiert

having characteristics of soil or the earth, often associated with flavors such as mushrooms, root vegetables, or certain types of wine

erdig, bodenständig

infused or treated with a fragrance, typically through the application of a scented substance like perfume, to impart a pleasant smell

parfümiert, duftend

possessing a distinct or recognizable scent, often unpleasant

riechend, übelriechend

causing or capable of provoking a sensation of disgust or nausea

übelkeitserregend, anstoßend