فنِ مظاہراتی - لاطینی اور سماجی رقص
یہاں آپ لاطینی اور سماجی رقص سے متعلق کچھ انگریزی الفاظ سیکھیں گے جیسے "سالسا"، "فلامینکو"، اور "اسکوائر ڈانس"۔
فلیش کارڈز
a vibrant Brazilian dance style distinguished by its rhythmic hip movements, lively footwork, and festive ambiance, commonly performed during carnival celebrations

سمبا, رقص سمبا

a Latin dance with rhythmic movements, intricate footwork, and hip movements, typically danced in pairs to salsa music

سالسا, رقص سالسا

a lively Mexican dance with energetic movements, fast footwork, and acrobatic lifts, typically performed to traditional Mexican music

کیبریڈا, کبڑڈیتا رقص

a passionate and expressive Spanish dance form known for its intricate footwork, graceful arm movements, and emotive gestures

فلامینکو, رقص فلامینکو

a lively Cuban dance characterized by bold hip movements, syncopated footwork, and Afro-Cuban influences

میمبو, میمبو رقص

a spanish dance that involves intricate footwork and graceful, flirtatious movements


a Brazilian dance style characterized by its smooth, relaxed movements and rhythmic sway, often performed to bossa nova music

بوسا نوا

a lively Spanish or Portuguese dance performed by couples, known for its spirited movements and flirtatious interactions

فندنگو, ہسپانوی رقص

a sensual Latin dance from the Dominican Republic with hip movements, close partner connection, and rhythmic footwork, typically danced to bachata music

بچاتا, بچاتا رقص

a lively Latin American dance known for its quick steps, syncopated rhythms, and playful hip movements, often performed by couples


a Latin dance style characterized by its lively rhythm, typically danced in pairs or groups with rhythmic steps and hip movements, originating from Colombia

کومبیا, کومبیا رقص

a Brazilian dance style with energetic movements, typically danced in pairs with close partner connection, and accompanied by accordion, triangle, and zabumba drum rhythms

فرو, فرو رقص

a passionate ballroom dance from Argentina known for its dramatic movements and intricate footwork, often performed by couples


a passionate and dramatic dance style with intricate footwork, close embrace, and improvisational nature, typically danced to tango music with distinctive rhythms and melodies

ارجنٹائن ٹینگو, جذباتی ارجنٹائن ٹینگو

a lively couple dance or its music that is originated in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, popular all over the Latin America

میرینگو, میرنگ رقص

a provocative dance style from Puerto Rico with suggestive movements, often involving grinding and twerking motions, typically danced to reggaeton or Latin urban music with explicit lyrics

اُبھارنے والا رقص, اشارتی رقص کا انداز

an athletic dance style that combines rock and roll music with acrobatics and lifts, characterized by high-energy movements, tricks, and lifts, typically performed in pairs or teams in competition settings

ایکور بیٹک راک اینڈ رول, اکروبیٹک راک

an individual dance performance without a partner, characterized by self-expression, creativity, and personal interpretation of the music

سولو رقص, انفرادی رقص

a coordinated style of dance performed by two or more individuals, characterized by shared connection, lead-and-follow dynamics, and synchronized footwork

شراکتی رقص, جوڑیوں کا رقص

synchronized dance performed by a group with coordinated choreography, formation changes, and group dynamics

گروپ رقص, ہم آہنگ رقص

a traditional or folk dance where participants hold hands and dance in a circular formation

چکّر رقص, گول رقص

a social dance where participants form a circle or closed formation and move together in unison to repeating music, characterized by simple steps and patterns

گول رقص, چکروں میں رقص

a formal social dance performed by couples, known for its elegant movements and precise footwork in various styles such as waltz, foxtrot, tango, and cha-cha-cha

بال روم ڈانس, اجتماعی رقص

a type of social dance where a group of individuals perform synchronized dance movements in a line or row, often to a specific piece of music

لائن ڈانس, گروپ رقص

a graceful ballroom dance performed in triple time by couples in close embrace, known for its smooth, flowing movements and romantic atmosphere


a social dance style characterized by participants frequently changing partners and dancing with multiple individuals throughout the course of the dance event

مکسڈ ڈانس, سماجی رقص

a vintage partnered swing dance that originated in the early 20th century, characterized by dynamic movements, spins, and intricate footwork

ٹیکساس ٹومی (وینٹیج پارٹنرڈ سوئنگ ڈانس), ٹیکساس ٹومی (سویگ رقص)

a high-energy group dance that emerged in African American communities in Harlem, New York City during the swing era, featuring solo jazz movements and improvisation

بگ ایپل (رقص), بگ ایپل رقص

a dance is executed with 16 dancers arranged in a 4-by-4 square formation, comprising of 8 couples

ینکی ہالینڈ عبور, ینکی ہالینڈ رقص

a lively French dance known for its high kicks, fast-paced movements, and playful choreography, often performed by a chorus line of dancers


a smooth and elegant ballroom dance characterized by long, flowing movements and danced in a closed position by couples

فاکسٹروٹ, فاکسٹروٹ رقص

a lively square dance of French origin performed by four couples, featuring structured figures and patterns to music with a distinct rhythm


a lively ballroom dance with fast-paced movements and syncopated rhythms, often danced by couples in a closed position

کویئکستپ, تیز قدم

a lively country dance performed by couples to a quick-quick-slow rhythm

دو قدم, دو قدم کا رقص

a partner dance that originated in African American communities in Chicago, characterized by smooth footwork, synchronized movements, and rhythmic patterns

شکاگو اسٹیپنگ, شیکاگو ڈانس

a genre of dance characterized by improvisation, syncopated rhythms, and expressive movements, often influenced by African American music

جاز رقص, جاز نچ

a lively social dance performed by four couples in a square formation, guided by a caller's cues and often accompanied by traditional music

اسکوائر ڈانس, چوکور رقص

a lively dance characterized by rhythmic bouncing movements and close physical contact between dancers

خرگوش ہگ, bunny hug

a lively Spanish dance characterized by its fast tempo, intricate footwork, and castanet accompaniment


a fast-paced, sensual Brazilian dance that originated in the 1980s, known for its close body contact, flowing movements, and catchy music

لیمبڈا (اسم), رقص لیمبڈا

a lively Afro-Cuban dance with repeating steps and synchronized hip and arm movements to percussion music

کونگا, کونگا رقص

a formal social dance characterized by elegant and graceful movements, often performed in a group setting, and typically featuring traditional ballroom steps and patterns

کوٹیلین, رسمی رقص

a slow and rhythmic Cuban dance known for its flirtatious movements and syncopated rhythms


a popular Spanish dance and song that gained worldwide fame in the 1990s, characterized by its catchy melody, simple dance steps, and hand gestures performed in a line dance formation


a lively dance known for its swiveling hip movements and twisting motions, often performed to rock and roll music

ٹویسٹ, رقص ٹویسٹ

a dramatic Spanish dance inspired by bullfights, featuring bold and rhythmic movements, often performed to lively Spanish music

پاسو ڈوبلے, ہسپانوی رقص

a dance form involving physical contact and partnering, using shared points of contact to create spontaneous movements through weight-sharing, momentum, and improvisation

رابطے کی ریاضت, رابطے کی رقص

a lively French dance known for its fast tempo, circular formations, and intricate weaving patterns


a synchronized style of dance performed by a group of dancers maintaining a specific arrangement on the dance floor

فارمیشن ڈانس, گروپ فارمیشن ڈانس

a social dance from the early 20th century, known for its simple steps and smooth gliding movements, often danced to ragtime music

ایک قدم, انفرادی رقص

a lively Caribbean ballroom dance known for its swaying hips, quick steps, and syncopated rhythms, often danced to Latin music


a slow gliding variation of the waltz that emerged in the late 19th century, characterized by smooth movements and typically danced in 3/4 time

بوسٹن, سست والٹز

a dramatic French dance characterized by aggressive movements and intense storytelling, often performed to dramatic music

ایپچی رقص, ن dramatik ایپچی رقص

a popular dance style introduced in the 1970s in the United States, involving partners, typically one male and one female, bumping their hips to the beat of the music

بمپ, بمپ رقص

a lively rural dance event featuring simple steps, energetic movements, and community spirit

گاؤں کا رقص, گاوں کا ڈانس

a genre of social dance that originated in rural regions, typically involving group dances performed to traditional country or folk music

دیہی رقص, علاقائی رقص

a lively partner dance that originated in Sweden and is characterized by playful, bouncy movements, typically danced to fast-paced music

بگ, بگ رقص