
سی ٹو سطح کی الفاظ کی فہرست - ہم آہنگی اور اختلاف

یہاں آپ ہارمنی اور ڈسکارڈ کے بارے میں بات کرنے کے لیے تمام ضروری الفاظ سیکھیں گے، جو خاص طور پر لیول C2 سیکھنے والوں کے لیے جمع کیے گئے ہیں۔




فلیش کارڈز





سیکھنا شروع کریں
CEFR C2 Vocabulary
to assent

to agree to something, such as a suggestion, request, etc.

کسی چیز سے متفق

کسی چیز سے متفق

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to acquiesce

to reluctantly accept something without protest

آنکھ بند کر کے کسی چیز سے اتفاق کرنا

آنکھ بند کر کے کسی چیز سے اتفاق کرنا

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to upvote

to show one's agreement or approval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

کسی کی منظوری یا حمایت دکھانا

کسی کی منظوری یا حمایت دکھانا

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to countenance

to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant

کسی چیز کی منظوری

کسی چیز کی منظوری

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to accede

to agree to something such as a request, proposal, demand, etc.

کسی چیز کی منظوری

کسی چیز کی منظوری

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to capitulate

to stop resisting something and accept it

حوالے کرنا

حوالے کرنا

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to relent

to accept something, usually after some resistance

ہتھیار ڈالنا (کچھ مزاحمت کے بعد)

ہتھیار ڈالنا (کچھ مزاحمت کے بعد)

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to downvote

to show one's disagreement or disapproval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

کسی کی ناپسندیدگی کا اظہار

کسی کی ناپسندیدگی کا اظہار

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to diverge

(of views, opinions, etc.) to be different from each other

متضاد ہونا

متضاد ہونا

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to dissent

to give or have opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted

مختلف رائے رکھتے ہیں

مختلف رائے رکھتے ہیں

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to expostulate

to strongly argue, disapprove, or disagree with someone or something

ظاہر کرنا

ظاہر کرنا

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to gainsay

to disagree or deny that something is true



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to harrumph

‌to express disapproval of something by making a noise in the throat



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to deprecate

to not support and be against something or someone



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to frown on

to disapprove of or have a negative opinion about something, particularly due to being improper or unacceptable

to repudiate

to dismiss or reject something as false



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to denigrate

to intentionally make harmful statements to damage a person or thing's worth or reputation

بدنام کرنا

بدنام کرنا

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to demean

to behave in a way that lowers the dignity or respect of oneself or others



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to grouse

to express dissatisfaction or injustice about something



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to chide

to express mild disapproval, often in a gentle or corrective manner



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to pan

to give a strong, negative review or opinion about something



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to contravene

to go against an argument or statement

خلاف ورزی

خلاف ورزی

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لینگیک ایپ ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں