قائمة كلمات المستوى C2 - الانسجام والخلاف
ستتعلم هنا جميع الكلمات الأساسية للحديث عن Harmony and Discord، والتي تم جمعها خصيصًا لمتعلمي المستوى C2.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to show one's agreement or approval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

يصوت بالإيجاب, يوافق

to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant

يقبل, يدعم

to show one's disagreement or disapproval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

التصويت ضد, خفض التصنيف

to give or have opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted

يعبر عن dissent, يخالف

to disapprove of or have a negative opinion about something, particularly due to being improper or unacceptable

يستنكر, ينظر شزرا

to intentionally make harmful statements to damage a person or thing's worth or reputation

تشهير, قدح

to behave in a way that lowers the dignity or respect of oneself or others

تَوَاضَعَ, إذلال