
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 3 - Bài học 48


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SAT Word Skills 3
to extirpate

to completely destroy or remove something

nhổ rể

nhổ rể

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to extinguish

to end or destroy something entirely

dập tắt

dập tắt

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(of an animal, plant, etc.) not having any living members, either due to natural causes, environmental changes, or human activity

tuyệt chủng

tuyệt chủng

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[Tính từ]

someone or something that gives money, clothes, etc. to a charity for free

làm việc từ thiện

làm việc từ thiện

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[Danh từ]

a person or institution that receives valuable resources

người được tặng

người được tặng

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to culminate

to end by coming to a climactic point

đạt đến cao trào

đạt đến cao trào

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the highest or most advanced point reached after a period of development or effort

cực điểm

cực điểm

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[Danh từ]

a set of rules or directives made and maintained by an authority, especially in order to regulate conduct

bằng luật

bằng luật

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a large collection of islands or the sea surrounding them

hòn đảo

hòn đảo

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someone or something serving as the very typical example of a thing or person

khuôn mẫu

khuôn mẫu

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a religious leader in Anglican Church whose rank is one level lower than a bishop

phó chủ giáo

phó chủ giáo

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a bishop of the highest rank who is responsible for all the churches in a specific large area

tổng giám mục

tổng giám mục

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to vacillate

to constantly going up and down like waves

lung lay

lung lay

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the state or quality of not being meaningful or significant

trạng thái trống

trạng thái trống

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so hilarious that cheers people up

ồn ào

ồn ào

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[Tính từ]

an improvement or a positive change in a situation, especially in the economy or business

ngước lên

ngước lên

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[Danh từ]

the act of maintaining something in good condition

gìn giữ vật gì

gìn giữ vật gì

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to upbraid

to criticize someone for doing or saying something that one believes to be wrong

khiển trách

khiển trách

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