Động Từ Chỉ Lối Sống Thể Chất và Xã Hội - Động từ nuôi dưỡng
Ở đây bạn sẽ học một số động từ tiếng Anh đề cập đến dinh dưỡng chẳng hạn như "uống", "cho ăn" và "ăn nhẹ".
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Đố vui
to put water, coffee, or other type of liquid inside of our body through our mouth

uống, nốc

to drink a large quantity of a liquid in a hearty, enthusiastic manner

uống lớn, uống say mê

to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps

uống ừng ực, tu ừng ực

to quickly and often carelessly consume large amounts of liquid, particularly alcoholic drinks

uống đối phó, nuốt

to eat a small amount of food between meals, typically as a quick and informal meal

ăn nhẹ, ăn vặt

to eat something eagerly and in large quantities, often implying intense hunger or enjoyment

nuốt chửng, ăn ngấu nghiến

to eat something quickly and greedily, often making loud and rapid swallowing sounds

ngốn, nhai

to cause food, drink, or another substance to pass from the mouth down into the stomach, using the muscles of the throat

nuốt, nhai nuốt

to eat and drink abundantly, often as part of a celebration or special occasion

ăn mừng, tiệc tùng

to give someone or something food and other things which are needed in order to grow, live, and maintain health

nuôi dưỡng, cung cấp thực phẩm

to drink something, especially an alcoholic beverage, enthusiastically, and in large quantities

uống một hơi, uống hết