Cụm động từ sử dụng 'Into', 'To', 'About', & 'For' - Bắt đầu hoặc Bắt đầu (Vào)
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Đố vui
to start doing something quickly and energetically
bắt đầu nhanh chóng
to suddenly and intensely begin to express a particular emotion or reaction
bùng nổ trong
(of a lot of people or animals) to attempt to fit into a densely packed environment or a limited space
chen chúc vào
to immerse oneself fully and enthusiastically into a particular activity, subject, or experience
nhảy vào
to begin or become involved in a particular state, situation, agreement, or relationship
tham gia vào
to begin participating in, learning about, and developing a strong interest or passion for a particular activity, hobby, or topic
tham gia vào
to start doing something suddenly and with great enthusiasm
bắt đầu một cách nhiệt tình
to start a particular activity or task with great enthusiasm or vigor
lao vào