people that are related to each other by blood or marriage, normally made up of a father, mother, and their children
our mother or our father
父母, 母亲/父亲
a child's female parent
the lady you are officially married to
妻子, 媳妇
the man you are officially married to
丈夫, 配偶
a child's male parent
a young person who has not reached puberty or adulthood yet
孩子, 少年
a person's female child
a person's male child
儿子, 男孩
a man who shares a mother and father with us
a lady who shares a mother and father with us
the woman who is our mom or dad's mother
祖母, 奶奶
the man who is our mom or dad's father
祖父, 爷爷
the brother of our father or mother or their sibling's husband
the sister of our mother or father or their sibling's wife
our aunt or uncle's child
表兄弟, 表姐妹
our sister or brother's daughter, or the daughter of our husband or wife's siblings
our sister or brother's son, or the son of our husband or wife's siblings
a man that you love and are in a relationship with
男朋友, 情人
a lady that you love and are in a relationship with
女朋友, 情人
extremely unpleasant or bad
可怕的, 糟糕的
providing pleasure and enjoyment
好的, 愉快的
above average in size or extent
大, 巨大的
below average in physical size
小的, 微小的
having a higher than normal temperature
热的, 温暖的
having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature
冷的, 寒冷的
having a quality that is satisfying
好的, 优秀的
having a quality that is not satisfying
坏的, 不令人满意的
having a low price
便宜的, 超值的
having a high price
昂贵的, 价格高的
living in the later stages of life
老的, 年长的
still in the earlier stages of life
moving, happening, or being done at a speed that is low
慢, 迟缓
having a high speed when doing something, especially moving
快速的, 迅速的
needing little skill or effort to do or understand
简单的, 容易的
needing a lot of work or skill to do, understand, or deal with
困难的, 复杂的