书籍 Solutions - 高级 - 单元 1 - 1H
在这里您可以找到《高级解决方案》课程教材第 1 - 1H 单元中的词汇,例如“abrasive”、“cynical”、“placid”等。
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others
个性, 性格
having a distrustful or negative outlook, often believing that people are motivated by self-interest
愤世嫉俗的, 怀疑的
quiet and shy and wanting to spend time with oneself instead of with others
内向的, 害羞的
trying to avoid drawing attention toward one's abilities or oneself, especially due to modesty
谦逊的, 不张扬的
to make no effort to hide one's true feelings and intentions
someone or something that is considered to be exceptionally talented, valuable, or desirable
上帝的礼物, 神的恩赐
used for saying that someone may appear threatening or aggressive, but their actions or behavior are not as harmful or severe as their words
a very shy or modest individual who tries not to attract others' attention
腼腆的人, 害羞的个体