在这里您可以找到Insight初中级教材中Vocabulary Insight 9中的单词,例如“学习”、“讲述”、“观看”等。
to use words and our voice to show what we are thinking or feeling
说, 表达
to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought
to use words and give someone information
告诉, 说
to turn our eyes toward a person or thing that we want to see
看, 瞧
to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time
观看, 观察
to notice a thing or person with our eyes
看见, 注意到
to notice the sound a person or thing is making
听到, 聆听
to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making
倾听, 听
to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.
学习, 研究
to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught
学习, 掌握