在这里您可以找到《Insight Advanced》教材第5-5E单元的词汇,例如“foremost”、“sheer”、“principal”等。
most significant or important
首要的, 最重要的
completely accurate and correct in every detail
精确的, 准确的
having the leading or primary position in terms of significance, importance, or rank
最重要的, 主要的
serious and of great importance or significance
主要的, 严重的
existing without any others of the same type
唯一的, 孤独的
related to or involving only one certain thing
具体的, 特定的
with anyone or anything else excluded
仅仅, 只是
complete and total, with no imperfections or exceptions
绝对的, 完全的
involving or describing the whole of something
整个的, 完整的
very high in intensity or degree
emphasizing the intensity or pureness of a particular quality or emotion
纯粹的, 绝对的
including the whole quantity
总的, 全部的
emphasizing the extreme or total nature of a situation
完全的, 彻底的
extremely or very
真的, 非常
describing something that is completely pure and untouched, without any added substances, alterations, or changes
纯净的, 未经处理的
being the most important among others of its kind
主要的, 最重要的
having all the necessary parts
完整的, 完备的
having highest importance or influence
主要的, 重要的