书籍 Total English - 高级 - 第 8 单元 - 第 2 课
在这里你可以找到《全面英语高级》教材第8单元第2课的词汇,例如“burn out”、“itchy foot”、“around the time”等。
to tear out
to forcefully split or remove something from their place or position, often through pulling or ripping

撕扯, 去除

in the fast lane
in a state of moving or progressing rapidly, particularly with regards to one's career, success, or lifestyle
wake-up call
a phone call that is made at a particular time to wake someone up, at their request, for example in a hotel

叫醒电话, 闹钟电话

golden opportunity
a highly favorable or advantageous chance or situation that holds great potential for success or achievement

黄金机会, 宝贵机会

