having a higher than normal temperature
热的, 温暖的
having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant
温暖, 暖和
having a condition of high temperature, often causing discomfort or requiring cooling measures
加热的, 热的
regarding extremely hot temperatures, often causing discomfort or sweating
炙热的, 灼热的
having an intense level of heat that is often uncomfortable
having an intense, almost unbearable heat
沸腾的, 炽热的
heated to the point of shining in a red color
炽热的, 红热的
excessively heated to the point of shining in a white color
白炽的, 酷热的白色
having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature
冷的, 寒冷的
cold in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way
寒冷, 凉爽
regarding extremely cold temperatures, typically below the freezing point of water
冰冷的, 非常寒冷的
so cold that is uncomfortable or harmful
冰冷的, 寒冷的
(of food) kept at a very low temperature to preserve freshness
冷冻的, 寒冷的